Source code for br2.environment

from typing import Optional, Union

import os
import copy
import time
import logging

from dataclasses import dataclass

from tqdm import tqdm

import numpy as np

from elastica import *
from elastica._calculus import _isnan_check
from elastica.timestepper import extend_stepper_interface

from br2.post_processing import plot_video_with_surface

from br2.free_simulator import FreeAssembly

[docs]@dataclass class DataPaths: """ Data path collection Attributes ---------- tag : str Simulation tag that will be appended at the end of the result directory. paths : str Parent directory path simulation : str Path to save the simulation data for pause/restart purpose. renderings : str Path to save all the rendering videos. data : str Path to save data for the post-processing. """ tag: str @property def paths(self) -> str: return f"result_{self.tag}" @property def simulation(self) -> str: return os.path.join(self.paths, "simulation_saves") @property def renderings(self) -> str: return os.path.join(self.paths, "renderings") @property def data(self) -> str: return os.path.join(self.paths, "data")
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Initialization step: create missing directories """ os.makedirs(self.paths, exist_ok=1) os.makedirs(self.simulation, exist_ok=1) os.makedirs(self.renderings, exist_ok=1) os.makedirs(, exist_ok=1)
[docs]@dataclass class TerminalInfo: """ Attributes ---------- end_status : bool Indicate if simulation reached end. <variable>_nan_status : bool Indicate if NaN exists in <variable>. Only given when `check_nan` is True. <variable>_steady_state_status : bool Indicate if <variable> is in steady-state. Only given when `check_steady_state` is given. max_velocity : float Maximum velocity at the end of the run. Only given when `check_steady_state=1`. """ end_status: bool = False def __str__(self): """Print all status""" messages = [] for name in self.__dir__(): if name.endswith("status"): messages.append(f"{name} = {getattr(self, name)}") return '\n'.join(messages) @property def combined_nan_status(self) -> bool: """ Combined status for if NaN exists. Return true if any NaN status is true. Notes ----- If check_nan is not given in simulation, this property does not give correct indication. """ status_list = [ getattr(self, name) for name in self.__dir__() if name.endswith("status") and "_nan_" in name and ("combined_" not in name) ] return all(status_list) @property def combined_steady_state_status(self) -> bool: """ Combined status for steady state. Return true if all steady-state status is true. Notes ----- If check_steady_state is not given in simulation, this property does not give correct indication. """ status_list = [ getattr(self, name) for name in self.__dir__() if name.endswith("status") and ("_steady_state_" in name) and ("combined_" not in name) ] return any(status_list)
[docs]class Environment: """ Attributes ---------- rendering_fps : int Rendering fps for output videos. (default=25) time_step : float Simulation timestep. Faster time-step could reduce the simulation walltime, but the simulation may be unstable. (default=2.0e-5) final_time : Optional[float] """ def __init__( self, run_tag: str, rendering_fps: int = 25, time_step: float = 2.0e-5, final_time: Optional[float] = None, ): # Integrator type (pyelastica==0.2.2 only provide PositionVerlet) self.StatefulStepper = PositionVerlet() # Set paths self.paths = DataPaths(run_tag) self.paths.initialize() # Simulation parameters self.final_time = final_time # TODO: either remove or implement stopper self.time_step = time_step # Recording speed self.rendering_fps = rendering_fps self.step_skip = int( 1.0 / (self.rendering_fps * self.time_step) ) # match rendering fps to physical time self.capture_interval = None # TODO: ex.(0.3, 0.5) # Rod self.shearable_rods = {} # Steady State Thresholds self.position_threshold = 1.0e-7 self.director_threshold = 1.0e-5 self.velocity_threshold = 1.0e-4 self.omega_threshold = 1.0e-3 self.acceleration_threshold = 10 ** (0) self.alpha_threshold = 1.0e1
[docs] def reset( self, rod_database_path: str, assembly_config_path: str, start_time: float = 0.0, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Creates the simulation environment. Parameters ---------- rod_database_path : str assembly_config_path : str start_time : float """ assert os.path.exists(rod_database_path), "Rod database path does not exists." assert os.path.exists( assembly_config_path ), "Assembly configuration does not exists." self.assy = FreeAssembly(self, **kwargs) """rod name -> [seg,rod]""" self.shearable_rods =, assembly_config_path) self.simulator = self.assy.simulator # Collect data using callback function for postprocessing # set the diagnostics for rod and collect data self.data_rods = self.assy.generate_callbacks( self.step_skip, time_interval=self.capture_interval ) # [seg,rod] # Finalize simulation environment. After finalize, you cannot add # any forcing, constrain or call back functions self.simulator.finalize() # do_step, stages_and_updates will be used in step function self.do_step, self.stages_and_updates = extend_stepper_interface( self.StatefulStepper, self.simulator ) self.time = start_time # simulation time
[docs] def run( self, action: dict, duration: Optional[float] = None, disable_progress_bar: bool = False, check_nan: bool = False, check_steady_state: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Optional[TerminalInfo]: """ Run simulation for a duration given action. Parameters ---------- action : dict Action specified for each rods. duration : Optional[float] If duration is not specified, run a single step (duration=step_size) disable_progress_bar : bool check_nan : bool If True, check if any Nan is detected in the simulation at the end of the run. (default=False) check_steady_state : Optional[int] Check steady state condition at the end of the run. If 1, the velocity steady- state is checked. If 2, dynamic steady-state condition is checked.(default=None) """ # Initialize status status = TerminalInfo() # Set action self.assy.set_actuation(action) # Record previous-step if check_steady_state == 2: # fmt: off keys = list(self.shearable_rods.keys()) prev_position = np.concatenate([self.shearable_rods[name].position_collection for name in keys], axis=-1) prev_velocity = np.concatenate([self.shearable_rods[name].velocity_collection for name in keys], axis=-1) prev_acceleration = np.concatenate([self.shearable_rods[name].acceleration_collection for name in keys], axis=-1) prev_director = np.concatenate([self.shearable_rods[name].director_collection for name in keys], axis=-1) prev_omega = np.concatenate([self.shearable_rods[name].omega_collection for name in keys], axis=-1) prev_alpha = np.concatenate([self.shearable_rods[name].alpha_collection for name in keys], axis=-1) # fmt: on # Simulation time = self.time if not duration: duration = self.time_step with tqdm( total=self.time + duration, mininterval=0.5, disable=disable_progress_bar, bar_format = "{desc}: {percentage:.3f}%|{bar}| {n:.5f}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}" ) as pbar: while time < self.time + duration: time = self.do_step( self.StatefulStepper, self.stages_and_updates, self.simulator, time, self.time_step, ) pbar.update(self.time_step) self.time = time # Check steady state if check_steady_state == 1: # Velocity steady-state test velocities = [ np.array(self.shearable_rods[key].position_collection) for key in self.shearable_rods.keys() ] max_velocity = max([np.linalg.norm(v, axis=0).max() for v in velocities]) status.velocity_steady_state_status = max_velocity < self.velocity_threshold status.max_velocity = max_velocity elif check_steady_state == 2: # fmt: off # convergence position_delta = np.nanmax( np.linalg.norm(prev_position - np.concatenate( [self.shearable_rods[name].position_collection for name in keys], axis=-1 ), axis=0)) velocity_delta = np.nanmax( np.linalg.norm(prev_velocity - np.concatenate( [self.shearable_rods[name].velocity_collection for name in keys], axis=-1, ), axis=0)) acceleration_delta = np.nanmax( np.linalg.norm(prev_acceleration - np.concatenate( [self.shearable_rods[name].acceleration_collection for name in keys], axis=-1 ), axis=0)) director_delta = np.nanmax( np.linalg.norm(prev_director - np.concatenate( [self.shearable_rods[name].director_collection for name in keys], axis=-1 ), axis=(0, 1))) omega_delta = np.nanmax( np.linalg.norm(prev_omega - np.concatenate( [self.shearable_rods[name].omega_collection for name in keys], axis=-1 ), axis=0)) alpha_delta = np.nanmax( np.linalg.norm(prev_alpha - np.concatenate( [self.shearable_rods[name].alpha_collection for name in keys], axis=-1 ), axis=0)) # Check steady state status position_steady_state_status = (position_delta < self.position_threshold) velocity_steady_state_status = (velocity_delta < self.velocity_threshold) acceleration_steady_state_status = (acceleration_delta < self.acceleration_threshold) director_steady_state_status = (director_delta < self.director_threshold) omega_steady_state_status = (omega_delta < self.omega_threshold) alpha_steady_state_status = (alpha_delta < self.alpha_threshold) # fmt: on # Check NaN if check_nan: # fmt: off # Position of the rod cannot be NaN, it is not valid, stop the simulation status.position_nan_status = any([_isnan_check(self.shearable_rods[name].position_collection) for name in self.shearable_rods.keys()] ) status.velocity_nan_status = any([_isnan_check(self.shearable_rods[name].velocity_collection) for name in self.shearable_rods.keys()]) status.director_nan_status = any([_isnan_check(self.shearable_rods[name].director_collection) for name in self.shearable_rods.keys()]) status.omega_nan_status = any([_isnan_check(self.shearable_rods[name].omega_collection) for name in self.shearable_rods.keys()]) # fmt: on status.end_status = True return status
[docs] def save_state( self, directory: Optional[str] = None, verbose: bool = False ) -> None: """ Save state parameters of each rod. Parameters ---------- directory: Optional[str] Directory path name. The path must exist. """ if not directory: directory = self.paths.simulation self.assy.save_state(directory=directory, time=self.time, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def load_state( self, directory: str = "", clear_callback: bool = False, verbose: bool = False ) -> None: """ Load the rod-state. Compatibale with 'save_state' method. If the save-file does not exist, it returns error. Parameters ---------- directory : Optional[str] Directory path name. """ if not directory: directory = self.paths.simulation self.assy.load_state(directory=directory, verbose=verbose) # Clear callback if clear_callback: for callback_defaultdict in self.data_rods: callback_defaultdict.clear() if verbose: print("callback cleared")
[docs] def render_video( self, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Make video 3D rod movement in time. """ filename_video = "br2_simulation" save_folder = self.paths.renderings if not os.path.exists(save_folder): os.makedirs(save_folder) else: logging.warning("The folder already exists. The data will be overwritten.") plot_video_with_surface( self.data_rods, video_name=filename_video, fps=self.rendering_fps, step=1, save_folder=save_folder, **kwargs, ) self.save_data("position")
[docs] def save_data(self, tag:Optional[str]=None) -> None: """save_data. Parameters ---------- tag : Optional[str] String tag that appends to the file name. """ if not tag: filename = f"br2_data.npz" else: filename = f"br2_data_{tag}.npz" path = os.path.join(, filename) position_rod = np.array(self.data_rods[0]["position"]) position_rod = 0.5 * (position_rod[..., 1:] + position_rod[..., :-1]) np.savez( path, time=np.array(self.data_rods[0]["time"]), position_rod=position_rod, )
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the simulator. """ pass